Sunday, February 20, 2022

Geeking Out!!

 Hi, to all my fellow readers and writers out there.

I am so excited! Why? I am so glad that you ask. Recently, I found out that one of my favorite authors will be doing a book release event near to me. With a friend of mine, we purchased tickets and have planned a day for it. Since the pandemic, I have decided not to let my inner hermit rule my life but actually enjoy life and embrace things that I love or want to do. LoL, I just realized in my excitement that I forgot to say who I will be seeing soon. J.R. Ward the author of the Black Dagger Brotherhood series is who I am gushing about! She has given my love of vampires a whole new meaning. Her novels are not the typical vampire romance novels but they are filled with PLOT. Yes, a vampire story that actually has a plot and an amazing one at that. She also was the first author that I had ever read that introduced characters that were from the LGBTQ community. I remembered when some people had issues with this but I never could understand the why behind their hate.  All I cared about was if they were going to survive the battles that they were facing and if they were going to tell their love interest that they were in love with them. I am a sucker for a good romance that has plenty of action. Her new book Lover Arisen will have all of that and plus some. I am not sure how many books are in the series but I believe it is over 15 by now. My mission now will be to secure her latest book so that I can have her sign it and hopefully remember how to speak. If allowed I will be posting photos of this great adventure on here and on my Instagram account. 

With my current books, I will be posting a review on that soon.

Keep reading my friends,


Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Book Blitz

Hi, Bookish Friends 

I just spent the past two weeks devouring two books that I must share with you. Both books are historical fiction one is set during the Civil War and the other during WWII. I feel as of late that I have been saying that I have not read such a good book but taking this journey to find new authors that I have not read before has opened up my eyes and mind of what I have been missing out on. Reading for me is not a chore that I must do but it comes easily as breathing does. I can not imagine a life without books in it or my husband chuckling every time I come home with a new book in hand. He may not share my passion for books but he loves it when I am happy. 

Conjure Women by Afia Atakora: 

Synopsis of Conjure Women is a sweeping story that brings the world of the South before and after the Civil War vividly to life. Spanning eras and generations, it tells of the lives of three unforgettable women: Miss May Belle, a wise healing woman; her precocious and observant daughter Rue, who is reluctant to follow in her mother's footsteps as a midwife; and their master's daughter Varina. The secrets and bonds among these women and their community come to a head at the beginning of a war and at the birth of an accursed child, who sets the townspeople alight with fear and a spreading superstition that threatens their newly won, tenuous freedom.

Magnificently written, brilliantly researched, richly imagined, Conjure Women moves back and forth in time to tell the haunting story of Rue, Varina, and May Belle, their passions and friendships, and the lengths they will go to save themselves and those they love.

This is such a moving story of just a portion of what cruelty and heartbreak happened during the time of slavery in the United States and even the hatred that continue on the people that were slaves. I can not express how well-written and historically accurate this book is, even though the characters are fiction but the horrors that the people that were bought and traded as slaves are not  I would recommend anyone to read this book.

I feel as if I should not include my second book in here yet but will save that for my next blog. This is for many reasons. One, to let this author shine on her own accord, two I find lengthy blogs overwhelming, and three it's my blog and I make the rules here. 

I think I will now go make myself a pot of tea and grab a bite to eat and wait for my next book to find me.


Sunday, February 6, 2022

Spies, Murder, & Cobras! Oh My!

 Good morning, my bookish friends

In late January I started the Betrayal of the Blood Lily. Let me be honest I was not sure if it would be something that I would read if someone had not suggested it to me. I love when people are so excited about a book that they had just read and want to share it with others. These people are my kind of people. Since my schedule has been busy I decided to listen to this book via Libby. I highly recommend Libby to anyone that is interested in audiobooks.

Now back to the book, I am in love with this book. It has everything that a mystery/ history lover would or could need in a book. It has spies, a love triangle, murder, stolen guns, and yikes, snakes! As someone that loved Indiana Jones as a child, I feel as if I was on a grand adventure. 

The story takes place in India on verge of war caught between England and France. Lady and Lord Fredrick Staines traveled to India after a scandal that caused the two to be married. Penelope finds herself in the court of Nizam of Hyderabad. Everyone has secrets and an agenda including her husband. She finds herself in a dangerous spy game and finds out who the dangerous spy Marigold is. Captain Alex seems to be in her way of discovering the truth. Can she trust him?

Good Reading,


Friday, February 4, 2022

Snow Day Shenanigans

 Good morning, my bookish friends

Did it snow in your area? We got snow and ice so that means for teachers and students in my area that school was closed Thursday and Friday.  My dogs aka polar bears are loving it. So why in the world did I think it was a good idea to put together a ladder-style bookcase on my unexpected day off? I think that I should have stayed in bed with a glass of wine and a good book. But, there it lay taunting me in my normal space of doing yoga and becoming a thing to stubbing my toe on it every time that I needed into my closet. Opened up the box and there is laid a million and one pieces would have been less frustrating on solving the rubrics cube. I managed to get the first side put together without swearing but on the second side I would have made a sailor blush. I think at one point I threatened to use it as firewood. LOL, at that threat my husband popped his head into the room to see if he could help me or probably to make sure that I did not have matches. We managed to get it together with extra hardware that I hope was not needed. I rewarded myself with a book, chocolate, and a cup of hot tea.

The picture above is of Sam playing in the snow.

This is the object that I swear would make anyone swear as if it was an extreme sport.

Stay safe out there,


June Reading Haul

 Hi! Everyone, The start of the summer has been crazily busy between working summer jobs and tending to a vegetable garden. I am pleased to ...